Express Pd: GALORE
Express Pd Galore - The Amiga PD & Shareware CD (1994)(Express Pd)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso
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BASIC Source File
152 lines
10 '!TOYBOX! - Robert Sawdey - 10/21/85
20 ' title
30 screen 0,4,0:scnclr:print " "
40 rgb 0,0,0,0:rgb 1,0,0,0:rgb 2,0,0,15:rgb 3,15,0,0:rgb 4,0,0,0:rgb 15,0,0,0
50 peno 4:box(68,6;240,166),0:print at (11,9);"Created exclusively";at (19,11);"for";at (12,13);"Slipped Disk Inc."
60 pena 0:box(14,14;153,40),1:print at (4,4);"! T O Y B O X !"
70 box(166,136;288,158),1:print at (23,19);"Robert Sawdey"
80 pena 2:paint(95,50),1:rgb 4,15,15,2:pena 3:paint(16,16),1:paint(170,140),1:sleep(1000000)*5
90 for j%=0 to 15:for i%=2 to 4:ask rgb i%,r%,g%,b%
100 if r%>0 then r%=r%-1
110 if g%>0 then g%=g%-1
120 if b%>0 then b%=b%-1
130 rgb i%,r%,g%,b%:sleep(12000):next i%:next j%
140 ' setup palette
150 rgb 0,0,0,0:' screen color
160 rgb 1,15,15,10:' text color
170 rgb 2,15,10,15:' border
180 rgb 3,15,0,15
190 rgb 4,15,0,10
200 rgb 5,15,0,5
210 rgb 6,15,0,0
220 rgb 7,15,5,5
230 rgb 8,5,0,10
240 rgb 9,0,0,15
250 rgb 10,5,5,15
260 rgb 11,0,10,5
270 rgb 12,5,15,5
280 rgb 13,10,15,5
290 rgb 14,15,15,5
300 rgb 15,15,15,15
310 ' menu
320 dim lines%(201,5)
330 scnclr:print" "
340 print at (12,2);"! T O Y B O X !"
350 print at (15,5);"0. Quit"
360 print at (15,6);"1. Lines1"
370 print at (15,7);"2. Lines2"
380 print at (15,8);"3. Lines3"
390 print at (15,9);"4. Boxes"
400 print at (15,10);"5. Circles"
410 print at (13,12);" "
420 print at (14,12);"";:input;"Selection";sel%:print
430 if sel%=0 then goto 1480
440 if sel%>5 then goto 410
450 on sel% gosub 470,690,920,1140,1300
460 goto 330
470 'LINES1
480 scnclr:randomize -1
490 x1%=rnd(1)*319:y1%=rnd(1)*199:x2%=rnd(1)*319:y2%=rnd(1)*199
500 x1i%=(5-rnd(1)*10):y1i%=(5-rnd(1)*10)
510 x2i%=(5-rnd(1)*10):y2i%=(5-rnd(1)*10)
520 c%=rnd(1)*15
530 x1%=x1%+x1i%:y1%=y1%+y1i%:x2%=x2%+x2i%:y2%=y2%+y2i%
540 if (x1%<0) then x1%=0:x1i%=x1i%*(-1)
550 if (x1%>319) then x1%=319:x1i%=x1i%*(-1)
560 if (y1%<0) then y1%=0:y1i%=y1i%*(-1)
570 if (y1%>199) then y1%=199:y1i%=y1i%*(-1)
580 if (x2%<0) then x2%=0:x2i%=x2i%*(-1)
590 if (x2%>319) then x2%=319:x2i%=x2i%*(-1)
600 if (y2%<0) then y2%=0:y2i%=y2i%*(-1)
610 if (y2%>199) then y2%=199:y2i%=y2i%*(-1)
620 draw(x1%,y1%;x2%,y2%),c%
630 ptr%=ptr%+1:if ptr%>20 then ptr%=1
640 lines%(ptr%,1)=x1%:lines%(ptr%,2)=y1%
650 lines%(ptr%,3)=x2%:lines%(ptr%,4)=y2%:lines%(ptr%,5)=c%
660 get a$:if a$<>"" then return
670 if ptr%=1 then goto 520 else goto 530
680 'LINES2
690 scnclr:randomize -1
700 x1%=rnd(1)*319:y1%=rnd(1)*199:x2%=rnd(1)*319:y2%=rnd(1)*199
710 x1i%=(5-rnd(1)*10):y1i%=(5-rnd(1)*10)
720 x2i%=(5-rnd(1)*10):y2i%=(5-rnd(1)*10)
730 c%=(rnd(1)*14)+1
740 x1%=x1%+x1i%:y1%=y1%+y1i%:x2%=x2%+x2i%:y2%=y2%+y2i%
750 if (x1%<0) then x1%=0:x1i%=x1i%*(-1)
760 if (x1%>319) then x1%=319:x1i%=x1i%*(-1)
770 if (y1%<0) then y1%=0:y1i%=y1i%*(-1)
780 if (y1%>199) then y1%=199:y1i%=y1i%*(-1)
790 if (x2%<0) then x2%=0:x2i%=x2i%*(-1)
800 if (x2%>319) then x2%=319:x2i%=x2i%*(-1)
810 if (y2%<0) then y2%=0:y2i%=y2i%*(-1)
820 if (y2%>199) then y2%=199:y2i%=y2i%*(-1)
830 draw(x1%,y1%;x2%,y2%),c%
840 ptr%=ptr%+1:if ptr%>200 then ptr%=1
850 draw(lines%(ptr%,1),lines%(ptr%,2);lines%(ptr%,3),lines%(ptr%,4)),0
860 lines%(ptr%,1)=x1%:lines%(ptr%,2)=y1%
870 lines%(ptr%,3)=x2%:lines%(ptr%,4)=y2%
880 get a$:if a$<>"" then return
890 if (ptr% mod 33)=0 then if (rnd(1)>.7) goto 710 else goto 730
900 goto 740
910 'LINES3
920 scnclr:randomize -1
930 x1%=rnd(1)*319:y1%=rnd(1)*199:x2%=rnd(1)*319:y2%=rnd(1)*199
940 x1i%=(5-rnd(1)*10):y1i%=(5-rnd(1)*10)
950 x2i%=(5-rnd(1)*10):y2i%=(5-rnd(1)*10)
960 c%=(rnd(1)*14)+1:linepat(rnd(1)*65535)
970 x1%=x1%+x1i%:y1%=y1%+y1i%:x2%=x2%+x2i%:y2%=y2%+y2i%
980 if (x1%<0) then x1%=0:x1i%=x1i%*(-1)
990 if (x1%>319) then x1%=319:x1i%=x1i%*(-1)
1000 if (y1%<0) then y1%=0:y1i%=y1i%*(-1)
1010 if (y1%>199) then y1%=199:y1i%=y1i%*(-1)
1020 if (x2%<0) then x2%=0:x2i%=x2i%*(-1)
1030 if (x2%>319) then x2%=319:x2i%=x2i%*(-1)
1040 if (y2%<0) then y2%=0:y2i%=y2i%*(-1)
1050 if (y2%>199) then y2%=199:y2i%=y2i%*(-1)
1060 draw(x1%,y1%;x2%,y2%),c%
1070 ptr%=ptr%+1:if ptr%>200 then ptr%=1
1080 draw(lines%(ptr%,1),lines%(ptr%,2);lines%(ptr%,3),lines%(ptr%,4)),0
1090 lines%(ptr%,1)=x1%:lines%(ptr%,2)=y1%
1100 lines%(ptr%,3)=x2%:lines%(ptr%,4)=y2%:lines%(ptr%,5)=c%
1110 get a$:if a$<>"" then return
1120 if (ptr% mod 33)=0 then if (rnd(1)>.7) goto 940 else goto 960
1130 goto 970
1140 ' box
1150 scnclr:randomize -1:drawmode 1
1160 ask window wx%,wy%
1170 x1%=rnd*wx%
1180 y1%=rnd*wy%
1190 x2%=rnd*wx%
1200 y2%=rnd*wy%
1210 for i%=0 to 7:a%(i%)=rnd*65535:next
1220 pa%=rnd*15:pb%=rnd*15
1230 if pb%=pa% then pb%=pa%+1
1240 pat%=rnd*8
1250 pattern pat%,a%()
1260 pena pa%:penb pb%
1270 box(x1%,y1%;x2%,y2%),1
1280 get a$:if a$<>"" then return
1290 goto 1160
1300 'CIRCLE
1310 a%(0)=&hffff
1320 pattern 1,a%
1330 scnclr:randomize -1
1340 for i% = 150 to 0 step -10
1350 c%=i%/10:peno c%
1360 circle (153,93),i%,.87
1370 next
1380 for j%=1 to 15
1390 ask rgb 15, r%,g%,b%
1400 for i% = 14 to 1 step -1
1410 ask rgb i%, r1%,g1%,b1%
1420 rgb i%+1,r1%,g1%,b1%
1430 next i%
1440 rgb 1,r%,g%,b%
1450 next j%
1460 get a$:if a$<>"" then return
1470 goto 1380
1480 ' reset rgb
1490 rgb 0,6,9,15:rgb 1,0,0,0:rgb 2,15,15,15:rgb 3,15,9,10:rgb 4,14,3,0:rgb 5,15,11,0:rgb 6,15,15,2:rgb 7,11,15,0
1500 rgb 8,5,13,0:rgb 9,0,14,13:rgb 10,7,13,15:rgb 11,12,0,14:rgb 12,15,2,14:rgb 13,15,13,11:rgb 14,12,9,8:rgb 15,11,11,11
1510 scnclr:print" "